Fill your Bloody Mary Camp Kit with liquor. While it’s great with any, we like vodka or Tequila.Refrigerate for three days to infuse (Don’t have 3 days? Microwave your infusion without the lid. Heat but never boil. Allow to cool.), then strain into another container. Makes eight cocktails.
Mix it Cold
- 1.5 oz strained shot
- Plain tomato juice
- Favorite garnish
Add 1.5 oz shot (strained) to an iced glass. Add plain tomato juice to the top and leave room for any garnishes you want to use. (I'm sure you've seen them all: celery, bacon, carrot stick, lime or lemon wedge, salted rim).
Zero Proof
- 1.5 oz. strained shot
- Plain tomato juice
- Favorite garnish
Fill your Bloody Mary Camp Kit with hot water, shake, and allow it to cool. Add 1.5 oz shot (strained) to an iced glass. Add plain tomato juice to the top and leave room for any garnishes you want to use. (I'm sure you've seen them all: celery, bacon, carrot stick, lime or lemon wedge, salted rim).